Thursday, July 21, 2011

Feeling stuck? An introduction to getting un-stuck.

There are times in therapy when clients get stuck. As a client, this can be very frustrating, and can even lead some to seek out a new therapist, or a new type of treatment. Worse, some clients may give up on the process of healing all together, because they start to believe that there is no hope. Clearly, being stuck is something to avoid. 

It seems that it should be easy to keep people interested in treatment when they get to interact with horses, but getting stuck still happens. As a therapist, one may decide it is the clients falt. For example, the client must be doing something wrong such as not sharing, being defensive, or using defense mechanisms, or is just not invested in treatment. This may be true, but may also be an excuse so the therapist does not feel like a failure! If you are a treatment professional, ask yourself if there is something more going on. Remember, "it's never about what it's about", meaning, it is often not what is being talked about, rather, it is something deeper. If you are the person who is stuck, ask the same question! There are three areas that can be reviewed to determine how to get things moving again, and this article will, therefore, be divided into three parts:

  1. Pain vs Pressure
  2.  Ball vs Chair
  3. Approach vs Retreat
The first, Pain versus Pressure, is something I learned about through EAGALA, and the last two, are Parelli Natural Horsemanship concepts that I have found very helpful with myself and my clients.

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